Now Is The Time – Start Your Own Business Now

Now Is The Time – Start Your Own Business Now

OK, the gloves are off, you have no more excuses.  If you have ever thought about, or dreamed of, or wished that you could own your own business…NOW IS THE TIME!!  As this economy starts turning north again you need to be in a position to take advantage of it.  It is not a seller’s market: The reason is that most small businesses have been beaten up over the past two years and can’t get the money that they want in order for them to sell. If the business has managed to do well over the past couple of years, the value to a buyer has still been punished, and the seller won’t get his price.  The seller just can’t sell! It is not a buyer’s market:  The reason is that most of you small business buyers have no money left that you feel comfortable using.  The money you were getting was from the equity in your house which has dried up with the debacle of 2008-2009.  The banks have no reason to lend with all the money that they are making in the stock market and most of all, you are scared of the perceived risk of spending your life’s savings and retirement money on some hair brained scheme. The buyer just can’t buy! So what is there left do?  Just sit around and wait for things to change?  NO! Now is your time to go out and make it happen.  You need to start you own business today.  Grab a lawnmower and find a customer.  This is still America and starting a small business is in your blood.  This is what we do for crying out loud.  You don’t wait for people to give you a job or a raise or a piece of candy.  You go out there and earn it. You fix, create, build, teach, and charge for it.  The time is right for starting your own small business or franchise today because the present owners are beaten to a pulp and tired.  They no longer have it in their hearts to put in the effort to grow anymore.  The customers are dying for and craving you! You are a new, fresh faced excitable fun person to work with that will draw people and customers to you like flies to you know what.  Who would you rather do business with; an old crotchety know it all or a happy go lucky do whatever it takes smiling type of person? The world has changed and the customer is forever changed.  The old way of doing business is not coming back and the old owners will not change.  It is for you to change the world and build your fortune now, today, by getting started in your own start up business or franchise. So find the money, create the money but to do it today.  The price is not as much as you think and even if it was, the cost of not doing it could mean your fortune....

A bright spot in the economy  “Big business from small people”

A bright spot in the economy “Big business from small people”

      There is a reason why young people come up with new ideas.  It is not that they are smarter or faster or better.  It is because this is their future, their life to grow into.  They see the world with no fear because fear does not let them grow.  Fear is not helpful to them.  That is why when I went for a walk with my 11 year old boy last year to look at the effects of the flood damage in the neighborhood, we saw two different events.       I saw sorrow and pain in the eyes of our neighbors as they put out to the curb destroyed furniture, carpet and electronics.  I witnessed kindness of people helping people salvage some memories and trophies from their home.  I saw essence, I saw the past.       Matthew, on the other hand was looking straight into the face of the future.  He saw opportunity in the form of trash in the front of people’s house that was going to rot and stink and continually remind them of the loss.  He said: “Daddy, we can load that stuff in the truck and take it to the dump for them, they would pay for that wouldn’t they?”      Now mind you, he didn’t ask about the licensing required to do such a thing.  He didn’t think about insurance and taxes and 1099’s.  He didn’t even ponder the philosophical reasons people get so attached to their stuff, much less where was the dump anyway.  He just walked up to the neighbor and got himself a customer.      Matthew is twelve now, and, as his company is called is thriving.  Even in this economy where grown-ups are wondering what is the future going to hold for them. The boy and his nine year old sister keep busy every weekend without fail.       They would have more business if that darn school didn’t take up most of the week.  No worries though because he has forged relationships with other contractors in the field that have their drivers license already to pick up the slack while he is “wasting time in school” as he puts it.   This is real money that I am talking about, thousands of dollars saved from a boy who sees a need and finds a way to get the job done.      What are you doing?  For many of you the answer is nothing.  Kids can’t wait for things to change before they do something.  They don’t have a choice and they know it.  That is why they do first, and ask questions later.  You have seen this economy breed people who know that the answer is to be their own boss and buy their next job. Yet you stifle yourself into nothingness because you ask too many questions and never do anything. is expanding.  It has proven itself as a viable business and has attracted investment. (Albeit from family members)  We expect the business to evolve and change so that by the time the children graduate High School it will be a full blown self running, income producing entity.  All because some eleven year old boy made a move, and got a real live paying customer. You can do it too! No excuses! You are more creative than you think you are! We will keep you updated on the progress of Matthew, Sophie and Junk Generals. Now it’s your turn, our country is depending on you....

Attitudes Can Change a Nation

Attitudes Can Change a Nation

 Children are the best teachers.  They show everyday how hypocritical we can be.  I caught myself preaching to my son about making excuses instead of finishing his required work for school, and the same day caught myself making the same excuse to my wife about not doing something about the ants in the kitchen.  A wise man told me once that “the only reason you are ever late is because you didn’t leave early enough” In other words it is always you.  It is never the situation that you find yourself in.  Today’s world gives you tremendous ammunition for your excuse maker to get involved.  He will encourage you to wait, to contemplate, or to stay in a holding pattern with your life until things settle down in our so called “economic crisis”.   This is self destructive to every aspect of your life, and our Country.  If you think that I am preaching to you now…you are right.  The fact is that there are only a few things we can do to affect the situation, and none of them require us to know about all of the other challenges that face the planet.  Sitting around worrying about the ozone layer doesn’t build a new electric car.  Fighting with your neighbor about the best candidate for the Senate doesn’t feed your family.  Jeffrey Gitomer wrote: “resign yourself from being the General Manager of the universe” Now that is good advice.  Think of how much more time you’ll have to work on the things that you actually have control over, if you leave the rest of the stuff to the world to handle.  It is time for you to make the news, not to watch it happen.  Attitudes can change a Nation and affects everyone.  When you wait for others to do things, or wait for things to happen before you do things, nothing gets done.  I met a woman once who was lamenting the fact that she wasn’t born in the time of the industrial revolution in the 1900’s.  She believed that the opportunities that the industrial giants had then, was the reason for their success.  If she were only alive then, she too would have been a giant.  Maybe so, but it was interesting that her birthday happened to be in the same year as Bill Gates.  Some would say that he too just fell into the right place at the right time.  Do you think he sees the world with the same trepidation as you? These times, as in all times, require men of action, or doers and risk takers.  Man has always looked for the short term gain and easy way out.  It must be a nature thing.  However, there is no gain with worry about the future, there is no gain with poverty, and there is no gain with anger or any negative emotion that prevents action.  It is time to stop with the excuses, and blaming, and questions of why things are the way they are.  Holding patterns don’t help anyone…It is time to get off your bum and fly.  Then you can see the world from 10,000 ft. up, with a new perspective, one like Bill Gates....